English For Academic Purposes R Jordan In Pdf

EnglishforAcademicPurposes provides a comprehensive overview of the field of EnglishforAcademicPurposes (EAP) for teachers. It not only looks at study skills, but also at other central concerns of EAP, such as needs analysis, syllabus and course design. (1998), English for Academic Purposes: A Guide and Resource Book for Teachers.: R. TESOL Quarterly, 32: 365–367.


English for Academic Purposes provides a comprehensive overview of the field of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) for teachers. It not only looks at study skills, but also at other central concerns of EAP, such as needs analysis, syllabus and course design, methodology and materials, learning styles, tests and exams, and academic style and genre analysis.

In addition to English for Academic Purposes provides a comprehensive overview of the field of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) for teachers. It not only looks at study skills, but also at other central concerns of EAP, such as needs analysis, syllabus and course design, methodology and materials, learning styles, tests and exams, and academic style and genre analysis. In addition to general EAP, the author also considers subject-specific language and the production of teaching materials.

Throughout, the author adopts a user-friendly approach in which theoretical considerations are balanced with practical experience. Issues are discussed and illustrated, but readers are also encouraged to form their own opinions by means of stimulating introspect and discuss sections at the end of each chapter.

English For Academic Purposes Curriculum

English For Academic Purposes R Jordan In Pdf

1M.A in TEFL, Abubeker Preparatory School, Ethiopia 2M.A in TEFL, Haramaya University, Ethiopia 3PhD in Literature and Language, Haramaya University, Ethiopia. 2015, 86-92 DOI: 10.12691/education-3-1-15 Copyright © 2015 Science and Education Publishing Cite this paper: Biniam Teka Gelan, Adinew Tadesse Degago, Deepika Nelson. English for University Students in Ethiopia: Implications of the Needs Analysis at Haramaya University, Ethiopia. American Journal of Educational Research.

English For Academic Purposes Definition

2015; 3(1):86-92. Doi: 10.12691/education-3-1-15. Correspondence to: Adinew Tadesse Degago, M.A in TEFL, Haramaya University, Ethiopia. The purpose of the study was to assess the English language needs of university students in a context, where English is used as the medium of instruction and general English courses are taught across all disciplines. To achieve this purpose, based on Hutchinson & Water’s target needs analysis approach, a 5-Point Likert Scale needs analysis questionnaires were designed and distributed to 152 medical science students at Haramaya university to determine the students’ frequency of English language use, their perceived importance of English for academic studies, their English language lacks, and areas of English they want training in.

In addition, the general course materials taught to the students were evaluated to determine their suitability to the English need of the students. Descriptive statistics were employed in analyzing the quantitative data while content analysis was applied in analyzing the qualitative data. The results indicated the perceived importance of English for the students’ academic studies, their English language lacks and area in which they want training in. In addition, the study identified the inadequacy of the general English courses to meet the students’ English language needs.

The study suggests that there is a need for English courses with an ESP orientation to meet the specific needs of students in their academic studies.