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This study aims to discover: (1) The condition of the utilization of information technology (IT), character education, and study result, (2) The influence of utilization of information technology (IT) on study result, (3) The influence of character education on study result, (4) The influence of utilization of information technology (IT) and character education on study result. This study was an explanatory research. The subjects on this research are tenth-grade students of the business and management program at SMK PGRI 1 Turen Malang which consists of 101 students with 81 samples using proportional random sampling technique. This study also uses multiple regression analysis techniques. The results of the study are: (1) Utilization of information technology (IT) and character education are good, and the study result showed good result too, (2) There are positive and significant effects from the utilization of information technology (IT) on study result, (3) There are positive and significant effect from character education on study result, (4) There are positive and significant effect from the utilization of information technology (IT) and character education on study result for tenth-grade students of business and management program at SMK PGRI 1 Turen Malang. In the era of globalization today, education is an important component for the progress of a nation is to improve the quality of human resources in order to be able to power global competitiveness, where improving the quality of human resources is one of the purposes of the right to education.
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To achieve the educational objectives, main activities that can be done is learning activities. In the process of studying, many factors that can affect successful or whether a learning activity because it should really note the factors that influence the learning activities so as to obtain maximum results. Technology is one of the factors that can affect the results of student learning. The sophistication of the tools of technology at a time when this is no longer a foreign thing for students because nearly all the students have a gadget which is very easy to operate. So not only do students knowledge obtained through books and teachers but rather the sources of information on the internet. With the sophistication of technology and student proficiency in the operation, it is expected students to develop information widely, utilizing technology to suit your needs and use the technology positively, so that gets results learning is good. Slameto (2010:2) defines that 'learning is a process of work done to a person to obtain a change in the behavior of the new overall as a result of his own experience in interaction with its environment'.
In accordance with the opinion of the Slameto one form of adjustment and interaction of students with the surrounding environment is the ability to follow the development of information technology. Then use it in accordance with the expectations and the actual usability of information technology as described Wardiana information technology (IT) is a technology used to process data, including the process, obtain, compile, store, manipulate the data various ways to produce quality information, that information is relevant, accurate, and timely, which is used for the purposes of personal, business, and government. It is the strategic aspects to take the decisions. On the other hand, character education for students is also one of the factors that affect the results of the study.
Character education is everything that can shape the behavior of students. It is described by Kesuma dkk (2011:5) character education in the setting of the school as learning which leads to the strengthening and development of the child's behavior as a whole based on a certain value referenced by the school. Good education of character will affect student learning outcomes since a student gets a good character and education will actually have a high motivation in academic achievement. It is described by Raka, dkk (2011:4) 'character education did properly will increase the academic achievement of students'. Besides Berkowitz in Asmani (2011:44) 'schools that implement character education, an increase in the motivation of students in academic achievement'.
Or whether successful character education can be seen from some of the changes the behavior of students, such as student discipline in adhering to the rules of the school, confident in the task, not cheating when exams and independence in addressing learning problems. Students will be more creative in finding other learning resources to add to the knowledge without parents or teacher to do so. Both of the important factors that can affect the results of the study which became the focus of the research must go hand in hand and balanced in the sense that when a student who is very proficient in operating information technology should also get character education is good and correct. It caused character education the students obtained can be disallowed for the students if you are abusing the sophistication of the technology. As we know that the sophistication of the technology that provides such a wide range of information from the highly useful and relevant as needed can also be very detrimental because it does not fit in with the development of the child.
Character education is expected to change the behavior of the students to know and be aware of what should be obtained from the sophistication of the technology. So the chances of students obtain negative information that is bad for the development of the students can be avoided and students really benefit from the sophistication of information technologies. A similar thing is stated by Lestari (2014:16) 'that the utilization of information technology in the education process needs to be accompanied by cultural and educational character to prevent the negative effects that could be brought about'. Back to the learning activities that constitute the main activities in achieving the educational objectives, measurable learning outcomes obtained from students and shown with the value or score. In the learning process of students can be said to be successful if it can complete the educational program in a timely manner with good learning results. Sudjana (2011:3) stated that 'assessment of the learning process is an effort towards providing value teaching and learning activities undertaken by students and teachers in achieving the goals of teaching.” With respect to the utilization of the IT-based information and character education in school that affects the results of the study, researchers found a few problems after making observations in SMK PGRI Turen. These problems still found students who often do not attend school, the students who are cheating when exams, more than 85 percent of the number of students using the gadget to access the internet, but most students using it to personal interests such as chat and games while lessons take place.

In addition when the teacher gives assignments to students to search the internet done by some students only as noted re so that students have trouble when outlining his duty in front of the class. In addition, researchers discovered one of the average value of daily repeat grade X field of business and management skills in the introduction of the productive subject to finance and accounting is 74.3 where that value is less than the KKM amounted to 75.
The purpose of this research is to find out how the utilization of the IT-based information, character education in schools and student learning outcomes. In addition, researchers want to find out whether there is the influence of utilization of the IT-based information against the student learning outcomes, whether character education at school affects student learning outcomes, and whether the IT-based information and utilization character education at school have jointly against the results of student learning. METHODOLOGY This research includes descriptive and explanatory research aiming to describe the variables research and to explain the existence of influence between two or more variables. The analysis of the data used in this study primarily is multiple regression analysis to find the influence of each variable against free variables are bound.
There are two free variables, namely the utilization of the IT-based information (X 1) and character education in school (X 2) and a bound variable is student learning outcomes (Y). The influence of the free variables against variable is described as follows. Research Design. The population in this research is the whole grade X field of business and management of 101 students, consisting of class X students, totaling 24 APK1 X APK 2 amounted to 26 students, Accounting totaling 25 students X, and X Commerce amounted to 26 students.
The sampling techniques used in this research is proportional random sampling, namely to obtain representative samples, taking the subject matter from each class determined proportionately with the number of the subject in each class. To determine the number of members of the samples, formula Slovindengan is used with error rate 5%. The size of the sample obtained is amounting to 81 students. Instruments for data collection using question form/questionnaire and documentation. Question form/questionnaire is used to obtain information from respondents regarding the variables X 1, x 2, as well as documentation to obtain data the variable Y.
Scales the measurement question form/questionnaire on research using a likert scale. Before use, the question form/questionnaire in this study performed a test of the validity and reliability of the instrument. Data analysis using descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis.
The results of the descriptive analysis are used to describe the variables research and multiple regression analysis is used to find the free variables influence against variables bound. Prior to regression analysis, first over research data carried out classic assumption test that includes a test of normality, test and heteroskedastisitas test of multicollinearity. To find out whether their are significant effects of free variables bound variable, then towards the top of the results of the regression analysis was done the hypothesis that includes test t (partial test) and the F-test (simultaneous test). RESULTS Based on the results of the analysis of descriptive statistics can be known that the utilization of the IT-based information by students classified as good, character education in school pertained, and student learning outcomes belong either.
Prior to regression analysis, data research first conducted a classic assumption test consists of a test of normality, test multicollinearity, and test heteroscedasticity. Based on the results of the test of normality can be concluded that research data is distributed normally.
The next test for multicollinearity may be inferred that this worthy research data used. It can be proven the value of the tolerance of 0.682 or ≤ 0, 10 so that the conclusion on research data does not occur multicollinearity. The last classic assumption test is a test of heteroscedasticity, with heteroscedasticity disorder did not occur in the data, because the dots on the graph scatter plot does not form a pattern and spread around the 0 on the Y-axis randomly. From the result of multiple linear regression analysis be obtained from portrayal as in table 1 below. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results Based on linear regression analysis results table double constants can be obtained of 71.850 as for the value of the coefficient of regression (beta) of the IT-based information utilization variables (X 1) of 0.098 with significantly less than 0.006 Alpha 0.005, and regression coefficients (beta) for variable character education at school (X 2) of 0.166 0.024 significance with smaller than 0.05 alpha.
When included in the overall regression function, then the regression equation is obtained as follows. Y = 71, 850 + 0, 098 X 1 + 0, 166 X 2 The value of the constant 71.850 meaning if no utilization of the IT-based information (X 1) and no character education at school (X 2), then the student learning outcomes (Y) value is 71.850. While the value of the IT-based information utilization coefficient (X 1) contributes of 0.098 which means that every one unit increase in utilization of the IT-based information (X 1) will enhance student learning outcomes 0.098 (Y) assuming the variable others remain. The value of the coefficient of character education at school (X 2) contributes of 0.166 which means that each increase of one unit of character education at school (X 2) will enhance student learning outcomes 0.166 (Y) assuming the other variables fixed.
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Based on the results of the test of t it can be seen that the value of t for the IT-based information utilization variables (X1) of 2.828 is greater than t-valued 1.9906 with smaller 0.006 significance of 0.05 alpha. This meant H0 rejected, while the Ha is received. Thus it can be concluded the IT-based information variable implementation is influential significantly to student learning outcomes. Moreover, it can be seen that the value of the variable t count for character education at school (X 2) of 2.303 i.e. Greater than t-table-valued 1.9906 with smaller 0.024 significance of 0.05 alpha this meant H0 is rejected, While the Ha is received. Thus it can be concluded variable of character education is influential in school significantly to student learning outcomes.
So both variables are free i.e. IT based on information and utilization of character education at a school in partial bound variables effect significantly to student learning outcomes i.e. Class X field of business and Management Skills in SMK PGRI Turen rejected. Based on the results of a test of the F note that F-value of 15.145 counts is greater than the F-value of 3.114 and significance of the alpha value of 0.05 this means H0 is rejected, while the Ha is received. Thus it can be concluded that the variable utilization of the IT-based information and character education in school simultaneously effect significantly to student learning outcomes grade X field of business and Management Skills in SMK PGRI Turen. The coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) is used to find out the percentage of contribution to the influence of variable which is utilization of the IT-based information (X1) and character education students in school (X2) in a simultant variable (Y). Based on the results of the analysis of the value of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) of 0.261.
This means that the variable% 26.1 student learning outcomes are caused by changes in the utilization of the IT-based information and character education of students in the school. While the rest of 73.9%is affected by other variables not examined. DISCUSSION Currently, information technology has become everyone's needs no exception students at the school. From the results of the description of the data showed that the utilization of the IT-based information by students classified as well. This greatly helps streamline the learning process of students in the class, enrich the subject matter and can increase the independence of students. Students can study independently without the restricted space and time to acquire knowledge.
The results of the question form on the utilization of the IT-based information shows that the answer often becomes the most widely selected options. This means most of the students are already feeling the utilization of the IT-based information to support the activities of their learning.
It thus becomes important for schools to provide facilities adequate and using IT in any teaching and learning activities. For in this modern era students don't just use the book to get the information they need, the utilization of the IT-based information often becomes the main even alternative for students to acquire knowledge. The explanation above is in line with the opinion of the Wardiana that information technology is something that helps humans create, modify, store, communicate, distribute data to manipulate include obtaining quality information, namely information related, appropriate and efficient time, which will be used for the benefit of a governmental, business and become an important aspect in the decision making.

Character education into much-needed to be taught in schools while many students lose the identity of the nation. Character education is a process of transformation of values education for the development in someone's personality so it becomes one in the conduct of that person's life, Fakry Gaffar (Kesuma, et al in 2011).
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Implementation of character education for students of class X business areas of expertise and management of SMK PGRI Turen belongs either. This can be known through most of the answers of the respondents with an option of often.
The character of students can be seen from the values of related characters within yourself, against others, and hooved/associated with God. It can be seen from the results of the statistical analysis of honesty and hard work the students whose results are good, it's just the attitude of hard work the students needs to be improved can be by forming study groups outside of lessons so that students can better understand the material presented when teachers in the classroom. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis of the values associated with those characters/creatures and God at grade X business areas of expertise and management of SMK PGRI Turen has been very good. Students are happy to help and be able to work well together.
Students also are sincere in doing good and always give thanks to God. The importance of character education in schools in line with the opinion of the Supraptiningrum and Agustini (2015) stated that the school develops character education through activities carried out at the school. All members of the school of good students, teachers, principals, and staff employees were involved in the activities of cultivation of the character so that created the conditions that support the implementation of character education to jointly form a students character.
The learning outcomes reflect the ability of the students achieved after a certain time in the learning activities to achieve objectives with a marked change in behavior better. Learning outcomes students class X field of business and management skills in SMK PGRI Turen it is using the average value of productive subjects group ratings of 3 domains namely knowledge, attitude, and skills.
Student learning outcomes data retrieved from Vice Principal of Curriculum SMK PGRI Turen that is considered very good. The results of the study can be seen from the results of the descriptive analysis of the values of the average student ratings of productive subjects groups, mostly in the predicate B+ fall into the category of good, that most students gain value reached passing grade. According to Bloom the results of the study is the conduct which covers three areas, namely (1) the cognitive domain which is already widely known and done his judgement (2) affective domain which demonstrates possession of values and attitudes in students, and (3) aspects or motor skills. It can be concluded that the results of the study are also said to be a result of the achievement of students in the learning process in schools for a semester or a specified period, which can be used as a material for evaluation. The influence of character education at school Against the results of the Study Based on the results of the analysis of partial data is aware that there is a positive and significant influence among character education at school against results learn grade X field of business and management skills in SMK PGRI Turen. It can be seen from the results of the test t partially with t-calculate the worth of a 2.303 is greater than the value of the t-table, which is worth 1.9906.
Then it can be inferred that the higher the character education at school which is owned by the student, it will improve student learning outcomes. Whereas the value of variable beta for character education at the school of 0.268 which means that the variable character education at school gives an impact on student learning outcomes as much as 26.8%. On the basis of the circumstances of the students of class X field of business and management skills in SMK PGRI Turen, attitudes in the values of the characters already appear on most students. It is known from the questionnaire on respondent answers conclusions that can be nice with values related to yourself (honestly, hard work, responsibility, discipline, glad to help, are able to work together), the associated values with creature/others (glad to help, are able to work together), and the values associated with the Godhead (sincere, grateful). The results of this study are in line with previous research done by Najib (2012) which States that in partial character education and simultaneous effect on student learning outcomes. Wahyuliono, dkk (2013) and independent discipline of character education will cultivate character and independent discipline to students and by increasing the character then influential significantly to student learning outcomes. According to Kesuma, dkk (2013) character education in schools can be an oriented process, that is the origin of the students experienced certain activities designed schools, and can also be result oriented products or learning.
In addition, the government strongly support character education to issue a 23 the year 2006 Number Permendiknas standard of Competency graduates (SKL) that almost every formulation contains character education. Thus it is expected after graduating from the school, the students have good character and can achieve national development vision of the nation. It can be inferred that the character education at school contributes to student learning outcomes. Because this character education indirectly has been inserted on each subject and there are judgments according to Permendiknas No. 23 The year 2014. So the better the character values of the quantity being applied by the students, the better the results of the study were obtained by the students.
Influence of Utilization of the IT-based information and character education in school Against the results of the Study Based on the results of the study, the variable utilization of information-based TI has influence over the results of a study that is amounted to 32.9%. It can be concluded that the utilization of the IT-based information variables is the variables most influence on student learning outcomes. Students feel that utilization of the IT-based information can help complete the task, and add knowledge by way of browsing on the subjects taught in school.
The utilization of the IT-based information provides convenience for students to learn without the limited time and space, students can select topics or learning materials according to your needs and desires. As for the variable of character education at school is a little lower than the variable utilization of the IT-based information. It can be seen from the beta value of variable character education at school worth 0.268 meaning variable character education at school affects student learning results amounted to 26.8%. F test itself stated that there is a positive and significant influence between the IT-based information utilization, and character education in school together against the learning outcomes of students of class X field of business and management skills in SMK PGRI Turen. With the value F value 0.000 15.145 with significance. This means greater than the Ftabel value 3.114.
Based on the results of the determination coefficient (Adjusted R Square) of 0.261. This means changes to student learning outcomes caused by variable utilization of the IT-based information and character education in schools of 26.1%. The rest amounted to 73.9% influenced other variables not examined facilities such as learning, individual learning motivation, modernity, and family support.
The utilization of the IT-based information done grade X rated can improve student learning outcomes. The higher the level of utilization of the IT-based information, then the higher the results of student learning. The utilization of the IT-based information can also be viewed by the enthusiastic students while getting assignments from the teacher. They will search for information using the internet to complete the task. In addition, character education in school grade X business areas of expertise and management of SMK PGRI Turen pertained well may also affect the results of student learning.
The higher the character education in the school applied to students, then the results of learning students are also getting better. Character education in school can be trained to become a habit, with the situation of the supportive environment students will be able to apply the values of the character well. The utilization of the IT-based information should be balanced with character education in schools. The extent of the information that can be accessed by students facilitates the students fall in the negative things. By having a strong character education to make students able to filter out good information and not. So it's not going to abuse the utilization of it-based information now being lively. The results of this research in line with the previous research conducted by Muhtadistating that IT is a tool not unlike typewriters, stove, hoes, and others.
To make it more useful for learners, positive in its utilization of cultural education is needed and the character so as not to lose the wisdom of local culture. The formation of character for learners is not easy, for it required a strong vision and mission of the school in building character in students. In addition, the research Lestasi (2014) stated that in learning with technology, should be utilized as a means to implement the basic values and character education are utilized as well as possible so that it can bring about the change that positive for learners. According to Salamani and Hariyanto (2011) '.
The school not only is accountable in order for learners to become merely smart but also have to take responsibility to empower themselves in order to have moral values lead them in everyday life '. Conclusions Based on the results of research and discussion has been done, then it can be taken up the conclusions of this study.
From the results of the analysis of descriptive statistics can be known that the utilization of the IT-based information classified as good, character education in school pertained, and student learning outcomes belong either. There is a significant and positive influence on the utilization of the IT-based information against the learning outcomes of students of class X field of business and management skills in SMK PGRI Turen. There is a positive and significant influence of character education at school against learning outcomes students class X field of business and management skills in SMK PGRI Turen. Simultaneously, there is a positive and significant influence on the utilization of the IT-based information and character education in school against results learn grade X field of business and management skills in SMK PGRI Turen.
Suggestions Based on some of the above conclusions, then the advice that can be given by researchers, among others, as follows: (1) For the head of the SMK PGRI Turen is expected to optimize the role of guidance and counseling especially the implementation of character education that is useful for improving learning outcomes. In addition, in order for optimal student learning outcomes can, then principal needs to improve facilities like schools, IT immediately fix the wifi so that it can be reused by students in learning activities. (2) for teachers, SMK PGRI Turen implementation of character education in schools should be more often in subjects of instruction while teachers, teaching in the classroom so that students are accustomed to. Information technology is a tool, in order to provide positive benefits for students, it takes character education and culture is strong in order not to lose the wisdom of local culture.
In addition, teachers should make use of IT-based information on the teaching and learning activities to improve student learning outcomes. (3) for the students of SMK PGRI Turen expected that, pay attention when the teacher gives lessons on character education. Due to character education is very important for the life to come. Understanding and application of values character would save the nation's next generation of negative influences out there. About us Knowledge E supports regional research communities to globalise their findings by providing an open access, online platform in line with international publishing standards, indexing scholarly conference proceedings and academic journals.
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