Saints Row 2 Lag Fix Patch

  1. Saints Row 2 Lag
  2. Saints Row 2 Lag Fix

Disable frame rate limiter. Go to Galaxy support add NVI. Open Nvidia Inspector and click the button next to the Driver Version. Type Saints Row 2 in the search filter, go to the bottom and select Frame Rate Limiter. Click on the rightmost button to change it to its default setting, or select PSFRAMERATELIMITERDISABLED. Click on the apply changes button.

Also GOG modded the executable to cap the framerate. You can disable it by downloading patcher. Run it from game executable folder, click 'Patch it', and get uncapped executable along with backup in case you need to go back. Input settings. Change how the game launches citation needed. Go to the installation folder. Right-click on SR2pc.exe and choose Properties.

Saints Row 2 Lag Fix Patch

Saint's Row III has some issues with AMD's FX CPUs under some older BIOS revisions. Also make sure the game is patched to the latest version. It is an unofficial fix that was used to get the game running properly before BIOS updates. EDIT: 2 MINS LATER: I couldn't resist and I started it up. Solved Saints Row IV Low FPS And Lag Please Help! Hopefully next driver updates will fix problem Ask a new question. Solved Saints Row IV lag.

On the Compatibility tab, run the program in compatibility mode for Windows XP. Select 'disable visual themes' and 'disable desktop composition' options.

Uncheck the Disable all enhancements option in the speaker properties ( Control Panel Sound Speakers Properties Enhancements Disable all). Some users have reported that changing the language fixes a bug where the game crashes when a loading screen reaches 60%. Saints Row 2 needs to have the following port open/forwarded for both the host and client: 4200 TCP and UDP. Open port 4200.

If there is still a time out, disable Hamachi virtual network adapter and/or open the following ports for both TCP and UDP:. 27900 (Master Server UDP Heartbeat). 28900 (Master Server List Request). 29900 (GP Connection Manager). 29901 (GP Search Manager). 13139 (Custom UDP Pings). 6500 (Query Port).

4200 (Game). If it still doesn't work, host a non-password protected game. In-game sound is in mono or only coming from one speaker.

Minimum Recommended Operating system (OS) XP, Vista Processor (CPU) Intel Pentium 4 Dual-Core 2.0 GHz AMD Athlon XP Dual Core Intel Pentium 4 Dual-Core 3.2 GHz AMD Athlon XP Dual-Core System memory (RAM) 1 GB 2 GB Hard disk drive (HDD) 15 GB Video card (GPU) Nvidia GeForce 7600 ATI Radeon X1300 128 MB of VRAM DirectX 9.0c compatible Shader model 3.0 support Nvidia GeForce 8800 ATI Radeon HD 3850 256 MB of VRAM DirectX 9.0c compatible Shader model 3.0 support Sound (audio device) DirectX 9.0c compatible.

These are the four things I did to make Saints Row 2 run the way it should on modern systems. Game running at wrong speed: Source: 1. Download this: 2. Backup patch.vpppc in the Saints Row 2 folder (I named it 1patch.vpppc) 3. Use 7-zip to extract the Stopwatch test (link if you don't have it already): / 4.


Run copytestsave.bat and make sure it copied 1 file. This is moving the save file you extracted to the folder that Saints Row 2 loads saves from. Start Saints Row 2 6. Load the Anointed Defender save. Get a stop watch ready. Run into the race you're standing right next to. When you hear 'GO' start the stop watch and hold W until you reach the first checkpoint where you will stop the stopwatch.

Record the time in seconds. If the game is running fine, it should be 1:42-1:43 or 102-103 seconds.

Do math: your time divided by 102.5 = value. For example, if you measured 81 seconds you would do 81/102.5 = 0.79 and you will need that number soon. Delete patch.vpppc and rename the back up back to patch.vpppc. The game should effectively be the same as it was before starting step #1. You can delete the Anointed Defender save too if you want but not necessary.

Download Idol Ninja's Power Tools: / 12. Extract the contacts of the ZIP to your Saints Row 2 folder. Run as administrator install.cmd 14. Edit Powertools.ini with NotePad or similar text editor.

Find 'percentage = 1.0' and change 1.0 to the value you discovered in step 9 above (example: 0.79). Save and close once you're done.

Saints Row 2 Lag

The game should now run at the speed it was meant to under Windows XP. If you really want to, you can repeat the speed test above to verify but, because math, this isn't really necessary.

Fix some game crashes: Source: 1. Download Gentleman of the Row: 2. Extract it with 7-Zip: / 3. Run CreateCustomGotrv1.9.bat 4. Make your selection here in terms of how many mods you want.

I personally did just the patch. Once it is done making the custom patch, you'll find patch.vpppc, preload.tbl, and preloadanim.tbl in the MYCUSTOMPATCH folder. Move these files to the Saints Row 2 folder to install the patch.

You will have to overwrite the original files. You may want to back them up first but that is not necessary. This should fix some of the story crashes. Improve sound quality: Source: / 1. Download the files (2 mirrors below, don't need both because they're the same): v2.0.7z 2. Extract the file you download using 7-Zip: / 3. Backup or overwrite the matching music1.vpppc and music2.vpppc files in Saints Row 2 install directory.

You'll now have radio quality on par with what shipped on Xbox 360. Download Hamachi: / 2. Install Hamachi.

Create a LogMeIn account if you don't already have one and log in. You'll have to create a new network and have your friend join it.

Saints Row 2 Lag Fix

Once you each see each other's systems in the list with an IP provided, Saints Row 2 should work fine as long as that connection remains up. You should be able to host/join a co-op Saints Row 2 game like you're actually on the same LAN.